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Our Keynote & Tutorial Speakers

09:00AM - 10:00AM

Intelligent Wireless Networking Using Pervasive AI

Prof. Mohsen Guizani
Mohamed Bin Zayed University of Artificial Intelligence, UAE

Abstract: Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been growing rapidly as being used in many applications. It is a great tool that can be used to reach the right decision for emerging applications. With this, it brings many challenges, such as energy fairness, security and efficiency. With the Internet of Things (IoT) transforming our society by connecting the world, anytime and anywhere, AI can be a great tool to achieve ultimate objectives. However, the use of AI in ubiquitous connections brings with it many challenges that range from providing efficient security to ubiquitous networks, for instance. On the other hand, adversarial AI can slow the adoption of these systems and in turn block such advances. These smart services rely on computation and communication resources. Furthermore, being able to provide adequate services using these complex systems present enormous challenges. In this talk, we review the current efforts in using AI to mitigate some of these challenges. Then, we discuss applications on how to alert researchers from taking care of adversarial AI. We showcase our research activities that will contribute to these efforts and advocate possible solutions using AI models. We provide ways on how to manage the available resources intelligently and efficiently to offer better living conditions and provide better services. Finally, we discuss some of our research results to support a variety of applications in smart environments.

01:30PM - 02:30PM

VisionX: Semantic communication Meets System2 ML

Prof. Mehdi Bennis
University of Oulu, Finland

Abstract: This keynote talk will first provide a brief introduction of VisionX sitting at the intersection of machine learning and communication in terms of enablers and mathematical tools, while contrasting it with current efforts in the area. Then, recent results in semantics-native communication and learning communication protocols from data will be presented.

09:00AM - 10:00AM

Towards Extreme Band Communications to Super-Connect the Connected and to Connect the Unconnected

Prof. Mohamed-Slim Alouini
King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, KSA

Abstract: A rapid increase in the use of wireless services over the last few decades has led to the problem of radio-frequency (RF) spectrum exhaustion. More specifically, due to this RF spectrum scarcity, additional RF bandwidth allocation, as utilized in the recent past over "traditional bands", is not anymore enough to fulfill the demand for more wireless applications and higher data rates. The talk goes first over the potential offered by extreme band communication (XB-Com) systems to relieve spectrum scarcity. Indeed, mm-wave, THz, and free space optics broadband wireless systems recently attracted several research interests worldwide due to the progress in electronics and photonics technologies. By utilizing these extreme frequency bands and employing extreme large bandwidths, the 6G target data rates over 100 Gbps could be achieved. The talk then summarizes (i) some of the challenges that need to be surpassed before such kinds of systems can be deployed and (ii) some of on-going activities in this area in order to achieve this goal.

01:30PM - 02:30PM

Massive Spatial Multiplexing: When the Near-Field Becomes Far-Reaching

Prof. Emil Björnson
KTH Royal Institute of Technology

Abstract: Multi-antenna communication technology can, in theory, provide great bit rates between a transmitter and receiver through spatial multiplexing; that is, sending different spatial layers over different propagation paths. Unfortunately, traditional systems operate in the far field where there is often, at most, one strong propagation path. This might change in 6G. By increasing the carrier frequency, adding more antennas, and densifying the network infrastructure, we will enter a paradigm where communications mostly happen in the radiative near-field. In this keynote, we will revisit the fundamentals of multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) communications and explore the new features that arise when operating in the near field. The relation between spatial modes, spherical wavefronts, and array geometries will be described and illustrated. Is massive spatial multiplexing the next untapped signal dimension that can sustain the capacity growth in future networks?

Technical Sessions

A Comparative Analysis of Sentence Embedding Techniques and LSTM Models in Web Page Classification

— Abdelmounaim Kerkri (Mohammed Premier University, ENSAO, Morocco); Mohamed Amine Madani (Mohammed Premier University, Morocco & ENSAO, Morocco); Wiam Rabhi (Majal Berkane, Morocco); Lamyae Belaouchi (University Mohamed the First, Morocco); Oumayma El Fahsi (University Mohammed the First, Morocco)

Federated Clouds: A New Metric for Measuring the Quality of Data Anonymization

— Youssoupha Gaye (Gaston Berger University & LANI, Senegal); Maïssa Mbaye (Université Gaston Berger de Saint-Louis & LANI, Senegal); Dame Diongue (Université Gaston Berger de Saint Louis & Institut Polytechnique de Saint Louis, Senegal); Ousmane Dieng (University of Pittsburgh, USA); Emmanuel Adetiba (Covenant University, Ota, Nigeria); Joke Badejo (Covenant University, Nigeria)

Smart City Development Through Collective Intelligence Based on Blockchain-IPFS-Data Analytics

— Karidja D. C. Adjé (Mediatron Research Laboratory, SUP'COM, University of Carthage, Tunisia and LIMOS, UCA, France); Oussama Habachi (LIMOS, France); Asma Ben Letaifa (SupCom, Tunisia); Majed Haddad (University of Avignon, France)

Evaluation of CNN-LSTM Models for CyberAttacks Detection in IoT Networks

— Amira Zrelli (Enit, Tunisia)

Wearable IoT Sensor Combining Deep Learning for Enhanced Human Activity Recognition in Indoor and Outdoor Settings

— Ala Mhalla, Sr. (Université Clermont Auvergne, France); Jean-Marie Favreaau (UCA, France)

On the Use of Autoencoders in Unsupervised Learning for Intrusion Detection Systems

— Lea Astrid Kenmogne Mekemte and Gerard Chalhoub (University Clermont Auvergne, France)

A New Strategy for Reducing Latency With Deep Learning in a Fog Computing Environment

— Birane Koundoul, Sr. (Université Alioune Diop de Bambey & UAB, Senegal); Youssou Kassé (Directeur Centre de Recherche Informatique, Senegal); Fatoumata Baldé (Responsable Master, Senegal); Bamba Gueye (Université Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar, Senegal)

Data Balancing Process to Strengthen a Prediction System for Malaria Control in Senegal

— Kodzo Mawuessénam Parkoo (Université Iba der THIAM de Thiès (UIDT), Senegal); Bamba Gueye (Université Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar, Senegal); Cheikh Sarr (University of Thies, Senegal); Ibrahima Dia (Institut Pasteur Dakar, Senegal)

A Sampling and Communication Framework for Synchronization in Metaverse

— Latif U. Khan (Mohamed Bin Zayed University of Artificial Intelligence, United Arab Emirates); Mohsen Guizani (MBZUAI, United Arab Emirates); Bassem Ouni (Technology Innovation Institute, United Arab Emirates); Ala Al-Fuqaha (Hamad Bin Khalifa University, Qatar)

Performance Evaluation of LoRa in a Linear Deployment Scenario

— Ass Diane (University Assane SECK of Ziguinchor in SENEGAL, Senegal); EL Malick Hadji Ndoye and Ousmane Diallo (University of Assane Seck of Ziguinchor, Senegal)

Convergence of Blockchain Enabled IoT Framework: A Survey

— Vatsala Upadhyay (Indian Institute of Information Technology Allahabad, India)

Design of a Circular Patch Antenna Array at 5.8GHz for Enhancing UAV Autonomy in IoT Applications

— Ilham Salhane (Hassan II University, Casablanca Morocco & Laboratory RITM/ESTC, Morocco); M Rifi (ESTC-UH2C, Morocco); Hanae Terchoune (ESTC, Hassan II University of Casablanca, Morocco); Soumaya Almorabeti, Jr (ESTC & ENSEM, Morocco)

Toward Best Performances of Node's Radio Module Setting for Use in IoT-Based Maritime Petroleum Waste Recovery Prototype System

— Bilal Abdellaoui (The Higher National School of Electricity and Mechanics (ENSEM), University Hassan II (UH2C), Morocco); Abdelhadi Ennajih (ENSEM, Hassan II University of Casablanca, Morocco); Saâd Lissane elhaq (Université Hassan 2, Morocco); Adnane Mounadel (University of Hassan ii Casablanca, Morocco); Mohamed Sadik (ENSEM / UH2C, Morocco)

Modeling of Noise Due to a Plasma-Based Contactless Power Transmission System for Ultra-High-Speed Transportation

— Bentolhoda Kazemzadeh (University of Limoges & Transpod France, Limoges, France); Vahid Meghdadi (University of Limoges, France); Ryan Janzen (University of Toronto, Canada); Hamid Meghdadi (Semnan University, Iran); Abbas Bradai (University of Côte d'Azur, France)

A Literature Review on Smart Greenhouse and AI: Paradigms, Opportunities and Open Issues

— Wiam Elouaham (Hassan II University - Casablanca, Morocco); Youssef Mouzouna (Faculty of Science and Technical, University Hassan 1, Morocco); Mohamed Sadik (ENSEM / UH2C, Morocco)

Q-Learning-Driven Enhanced NOMA Grant-Free Access for Minimized Delay in URLLC-Enabled Wireless Networks

— Ibtissem Oueslati (XLIM, University of Limoges, France); Oussama Habachi (LIMOS, France); Jean Pierre Cances and Vahid Meghdadi (University of Limoges, France); Essaid Sabir (University of Quebec at Montreal, Canada)